In the Institute of Computational Mechanics and Optimization of the Technical University of Crete, Acoustic research is carried out with the main areas being Architectural Acoustics, Environmental Acoustics, Computational Acoustics, Soundscape and Musical Acoustics. Assistance and consulting services can also be provided for projects in various fields of Acoustics.
Research Areas in Acoustics
Main areas of research are those of Architectural Acoustics and Environmental Acoustics. In particular, research is conducted on various aspects of Computational Acoustics as well as on aspects of Acoustic Measurements. Other areas of research are also Soundscape acoustics and Audiovisual Interaction.
Architectural Acoustics
In the field of Architectural Acoustics, research is conducted in various topics such as:
Utilization of computational methods for estimating the acoustic field in a space
Modeling in the frequency domain
Modeling in the time domain
Acoustic sources
Aspects of acoustic measurements
Room Eigenmode
Surface acoustic pressure
Visualization of an acoustic source
Acoustic modelling
Sound insulation modelling
Environmental Acoustics
In the field of environmental acoustics, research is carried out in topics such as:
Utilization of computational methods for the assessment of sound barriers
Utilization of computational methods for the assessment of acoustics of urban spaces
Urban acoustic planning
Urban acoustic modelling
Noise barrier modelling (sound pressure levels)
Acoustic urban planning
Noise barrier modelling (sound pressure modelling for different frequencies)
Noise barrier modelling (acoustic pressure modelling for different frequencies)
Other areas
Research is also carried out in the following areas:
Acoustic consultancy can be provided in the areas of Architectural Acoustics and Environmental Acoustics.
Architectural Acoustics
Acoustic consultancy can be offered for: Acoustic modeling and design, acoustic characterization (via measurements) and special design and modeling of acoustic elements (e.g. absorbers, diffusers).
Acoustic modeling and design
Acoustic modeling with various computational methods can be performed in cases such as auditoriums, theatres, open plan offices, classrooms etc.. Acoustic design will be performed according to optimum specifications for the intended use. Auralization of the final space is possible.
Acoustic characterization and measurements
Acoustic characterization via measurements of various spaces is available according to the appropriate ISO standards. Measurements can be performed with the use of various software, equipment and measurement techniques.
Acoustic elements
Design of absorbers, reflectors and diffusers with dedicated features, according to specific needs is available via various numerical methods (e.g. FEM).
Acoustics Measurements (Library TUC)
Acoustic Measurements in Neoria
Modeling of Eigenmodes
Modeling of acoustic parameters
Sound insulation modeling
Environmental Acoustics
Environmental noise control can be achieved with the appropriate skills that allow it to comply with current legislation. Acoustic consultancy can be offered for topics such as: Acoustic modeling and design and Acoustic characterization and measurements in the context of urban or rural environments.
Acoustic modeling and design
Acoustic modeling with various methods can be performed for the control and estimation of environmental noise. Noise impact assessments and action plans are feasible. Design and validation of noise barriers by means of numerical codes (FEM and BEM).
Acoustic characterization and measurements
Acoustic characterization via measurements of various spaces is available according to the appropriate ISO standards. Measurements can be performed with the use of various software and measurement techniques. Noise measurement and long-term noise monitoring is available.
Noise measurements
Noise modeling
Noise modeling
Noise assesment
Different traffic scenarios (acoustic modeling)
Other areas
Acoustic consultancy can also be provided in areas such as:
Virtual acoustic prototype
Product acoustic development
Product acoustic development
Recordings for virtual prototype creation
Latest news in Acoustics
"The physics of handclaps" in Physics World
The popular science journal Physics World (IOP Publishing) hosts in the Acoustics section, an article entitled ” The physics of hand clapping: here’s how to do it best “. The article refers to a study of researcher Nikolaos Papadakis and Professor Georgios Stavroulakis from the Institute of Computational Mechanics and Optimization of the School of Production Engineering and Management of the Technical University of Crete. Initial research examines different handclap configurations (11 in total) to assess which is optimal for use as an alternative source of excitation for acoustic measurements in rooms. Of particular note is the ‘domed handclap’ category (fig. A1+) in which the creation of an air pocket between the palms at the moment of impact creates a form of Helmholtz resonance, which improves the frequency content in the low frequency range, which is important for acoustic measurements in rooms.
An article by Nikolaos M. Papadakis, Smaro Antoniadou and Georgios E. Stavroulakis has been selected as the cover of the Volume 5, Issue 2 (June 2023) for the journal of ‘Acoustics’. The cover illustrates acoustic measurements performed using different methods (ESS, MLS).
Special Issue "Measurement, Simulation and Design of Sound in Urban Spaces"
The Institute of Computational Mechanics and Optimization is organizing a Special Issue on ‘Measurement, Simulation and Design of Sound in Urban Spaces’ for the journal Applied Sciences in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna Professor Massimo Garai and Dr. Gioia Fusaro.
An edited volume entitled “Advances in Architectural Acoustics” has been published. The book has been edited by Dr. Nikolaos Papadakis and Prof. Georgios Stavroulakis, from Technical University of Crete and Prof. Massimo Garai, from the University of Bologna. Authors from Australia, Belgium, China, Finland, Greece, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the UK—including 19 universities and 4 acoustic firms and corporations—participated in this book.
Special Issue "Advances in Architectural Acoustics"
The Institute of Computational Mechanics and Optimization is organizing a Special Issue on Architectural Acoustics for the journal Applied Sciences in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna and Professor Massimo Garai.
In the framework of the ‘Soundscape Attributes Translation Project’ (SATP), organized by the University College London (UCL), Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, the Technical University of Crete and the Institute of Computational Mechanics and Optimization is participating as a Greek partner. For this international collaboration teams from 24 countries are going to contribute for the translation and evaluation through listening experiments of the recently published ISO/TS 12913-2:2018.
Publication of Co.Mec.O., Reference Material for Acoustic Measurements
Publication of Co.Mec.O has been assessed as a reference material in the field of acoustic measurements from a popular acoustic software (Room Eq Wizard). The software is used globally for acoustic measurements and is also utilized in academic institutions for acoustic courses and laboratories.